Dicho y hecho: Beginning Spanish, 10th Edition
By Kim Potowski, Silvia Sobral, and Laila M. Dawson
Meant for the beginning Spanish sequence, Dicho y hecho offers students a wealth of tools and meaningful activities in a structured learning environment designed to empower them to master the language and be successful in the course. Dicho y hecho has an easy-to-implement, lively approach and sound pedagogical foundation. Its rich media content – including voice recording assignments, an interactive e-text, cultural videos, animations and other interactive activities – is integrated at the learning objective level and provides students with a clear and engaging path through the material.
WileyPLUS is a research-based online environment for effective teaching and learning that includes a dynamic e-textbook with integrated audio, video, and interactive resources. WileyPLUS builds students’ confidence because it takes the guesswork out of studying by providing students with a clear roadmap: what to do, how to do it, if they did it right. With WileyPLUS, our efficacy research shows that students improve their outcomes by as much as one letter grade. WileyPLUS helps students take more initiative, so you’ll have greater impact on their achievement in the classroom and beyond.
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Video and Voice Recording Assignments
These interactive voice recording assignments allow students to get the essential speaking practice they need along with just-in-time feedback through time-stamped comments. Use Wiley’s pre-created, text-specific video and voice recording activities or create your own Question & Answer high stakes video assignments that are ideal for assessing oral proficiency.
Cultural Videos
Students develop listening skills around documentary-style videos that explore cultural topics. Videos, along with high-interest readings and a wealth of authentic materials – photos, ads, cartoons, and other media from Spanish-speaking countries, tie into broad concepts and are used to provide authentic, higher-level input in Spanish, support vocabulary, grammar, or socio-cultural activities, and serve as a springboard to discussion and expansion activities.
Activities based on a short, situational video segment develop listening practice. Each video segment uses the chapter’s vocabulary and grammar in a concise, practical, and natural context. Activities that follow move from pre-viewing questions establishing the general context and triggering recall of vocabulary, to comprehension questions that check for understanding, and expansion questions that invite personal or critical response. Video for VideoEscenas can be found in WileyPLUS.
Interactives engage students
Interactive illustrations allow students to actively engage with the content with labeling exercises for vocabulary words.
Make learning clear and interactive
The Animated Grammar Tutorials explain grammatical topics in a student-friendly way and include simple practice exercises that reinforce what students just learned.

Pre-created Assignments
Pre-created Assignments allow instructors to save time by choosing from an extensive bank of assignments they can to add to their course. These assignments often highlight questions with embedded audio or video and links to the text.

Adaptive Practice
Every student has a different starting point, and adaptive practice provides endless opportunities for practice to effectively prepare for class or quizzes and exams.
- Improved presentation of new material, optimizing learners’ ability to integrate new language while engaging and motivating them:
- New dialogues and paragraphs introduce and contextualize new grammar, giving learners an opportunity to observe the forms and experience the meaning of the new language before formal explanations or English equivalents are offered.
- New illustrations introduce vocabulary in the Así se dice
- Cultural content is updated throughout and includes more experiential, investigative, cross-cultural tasks in Cultura pages and Notas culturales and the new En mi experiencia boxes stories told by American college students about their experiences in Spanish-speaking countries. Culture is also more integrated within activities.
- Activity sets optimize students’ acquisition and lead to confidence in their communication skills.
- Revised and refined activity sets to ensure a well-developed sequence that takes learners from input-based practice, through meaningful form-focused practice, and concluding with guided output and open-ended activities.
- Dicho ensures a balance in the use of different skills as well as types of interaction throughout each chapter.
- A new Proyecto spread after every five chapters gives students an opportunity to use the language they are learning creatively, in engaging collaborative tasks where they have to think critically, negotiate in groups and present their work to the rest of the class. In this section, students assimilate language from all five preceding chapters and put their knowledge into practice.
- Revised and refined activity sets to ensure a well-developed sequence that takes learners from input-based practice, through meaningful form-focused practice, and concluding with guided output and open-ended activities.
- Dicho ensures a balance in the use of different skills as well as types of interaction throughout each chapter.
- A new Proyecto spread after every five chapters gives students an opportunity to use the language they are learning creatively, in engaging collaborative tasks where they have to think critically, negotiate in groups and present their work to the rest of the class. In this section, students assimilate language from all five preceding chapters and put their knowledge into practice.
- Activity directions are in Spanish beginning in Capítulo 5.
- A new design visually enhances the straightforward, user-friendly nature of the program. Lexical and structural information is more clearly identified, and the progression from presentation to practice is now more obvious to students. A series of helpful icons also point out the skills being practiced, whether the activity involves pair work or group work, and when the use of technology can be integrated.
- Updated content and photos, focusing on key aspects of current lifestyles such as technology, social media, concerns about the environment, etc.
- Updated Teacher Annotations in the Instructors Annotated edition, including additional suggestions and alternatives for the use of WileyPLUS.
What’s New:

Kim Potowski was raised in Long Island, New York, where her interest in Spanish was nurtured by her teachers, Mr. Martin Stone and Mr. Paul Ferrotti. After finishing her B.A. in Spanish at Washington University in St. Louis (and a wonderful sophomore year in Salamanca, Spain), she completed an M.A. in Hispanic linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She took a two-year hiatus to teach English in Mexico City and an additional few months in Colmar, France, then returned to Urbana and completed a Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics with a concentration in second language acquisition and teacher education. She has been at the University of Illinois at Chicago since 1999 where she directs the Spanish for Heritage Speakers program.

Silvia Sobral became Licenciada in English philology in Spain and then earned her M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her early teaching experiences led her to believe that her job would consist of merely explaining grammar rules and their exceptions, giving examples, and correcting mistakes. However, her academic work in applied linguistics and experience teaching English and Spanish have proven to her that language learning and teaching are much more complex and exciting processes.

Laila Dawson was born in Buenos Aires and attended bilingual schools there and in Mexico City. This foundation led her to graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin and a teaching career, first at Virginia Union University and then at the University of Richmond, where she directed the Intensive Spanish Program. Dawson also accompanied students on study abroad programs in Spain and South America and on service-learning experiences in Honduras. In her retirement, she participates in community integration projects in the bicultural town of Leadville, Colorado and teaches ESL to immigrant women.
Capítulo 1. Nuevos encuentros
Capítulo 2. La vida universitaria
Capítulo 3. Así es mi familia
Capítulo 4. ¡A la mesa!
Capítulo 5. Nuestro tiempo libre
Capítulo 6. La vida diaria
Capítulo 7. Por la ciudad
Capítulo 8. De compras
Capítulo 9. La salud
Capítulo 10. Así es mi casa
Capítulo 11. Amigos y algo más
Capítulo 12. Vive la naturaleza
Capítulo 13. De viaje
Capítulo 14. El mundo moderno
Capítulo 15. El mundo en las noticias