Precalculus, 4th edition

Precalculus, 4th Edition

By Cynthia Young

$76.95  USD | $98.95  CAN

Cynthia Young’s Precalculus, 4th Edition helps students take the guesswork out of studying by offering an easy to read and clear roadmap that tells students what to do, how to do it, and whether they did it right. With this revision Cynthia Young focuses on the most challenging topics in precalculus, bringing clarity to those learning objectives. By pairing Precalculus 4th Edition with WileyPLUS, students and instructors gain access to symbolic and graphing questions, author lecture videos, corequisite support appendices, and more!

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New Corequisite Support Appendices

New Corequisite support material has been added as a digital appendix to support corequisite courses. The comprehensive coverage of prerequisite topics ranges from prealgebra through intermediate algebra, including step-by-step instructional worksheets that can be used inside or outside of the classroom, and an ample selection of homework and/or quiz exercises for each topic. Utilizing WileyPLUS allows for customization of corequisite topics to cater to individual course needs.

Symbolic and Graphing Questions

New symbolic and graphing questions powered by GeoGebra give instructors the ability to assign more complex auto-graded questions to improve conceptual understanding in math. Boost homework assessments with flexible, accurate, and reliable symbolic palette entry and real-time manipulation of graphs.

Author Lecture Videos

Cynthia Young has created over 270 instructional videos mirroring the instructor’s voice outside the classroom. The Cynthia Young Lecture Videos provide worked examples of the most difficult concepts in each chapter and section of the course.

What’s New to This Course

  • New and updated examples and exercises are included with a focus on equity, equality, and relevance.
  • New symbolic and graphing questions powered by GeoGebra give instructors the ability to assign more complex auto-graded questions to improve conceptual understanding in math.
  • Interactive animations are now available with assignable questions to keep students engaged with the topic and reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
  • New problems are now available to expand the number of medium difficulty problems, providing ample question coverage across all difficulty levels.
  • New Corequisite support material is included as a digital appendix to support corequisite courses. The comprehensive coverage of prerequisite topics ranges from prealgebra through intermediate algebra, including step-by-step instructional worksheets that can be used inside or outside of the classroom, and an ample selection of homework and/or quiz exercises for each topic.
  • Algorithmic Test Bank Questions are now included in the WileyPLUS question bank.
  • Wiley Reader provides students with anytime, anywhere access to course content.
  • New TestGen computerized test bank is available to allow for the quick creation of algorithmic quizzes or tests. TestGen provides a variety of question types and allows instructors to create their own questions.

CYNTHIA Y. YOUNG is the Founding Dean of the College of Science and Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University and the author of College Algebra, Trigonometry, Algebra and Trigonometry, and Precalculus. She holds a BA in Secondary Mathematics Education from the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), an MS in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Central Florida (UCF), and both an MS in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington. She has taught high school in North Carolina and Florida, developmental mathematics at Shoreline Community College in Washington, and undergraduate and graduate students at UCF.

Prior to her leadership role at Clemson, Dr. Young was a Pegasus Professor of Mathematics and the Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence and UCF Global at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Dr. Young joined the faculty at UCF in 1997 as an assistant professor of mathematics, and her primary research area was the mathematical modeling of the atmospheric effects on propagating laser beams. Her atmospheric propagation research was recognized by the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, and in 2007 she was selected as a fellow of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Her secondary area of research centers on improving student learning in mathematics. She has authored or co-authored over 60 books and articles and has served as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on projects with more than $5 million in federal funding. Dr. Young was on the team at UCF that developed the UCF EXCEL program, which was originally funded by the National Science Foundation to support the increase in the number of students graduating with a degree in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The EXCEL learning community approach centered around core mathematics courses has resulted in a significant increase in STEM graduation rates and has been institutionalized at UCF.

Chapter 0: Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 1: Functions and their Graphs
Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 4: Trigonometric Functions of Angles
Chapter 5: Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers
Chapter 6: Analytic Trigonometry
Chapter 7: Polar Coordinates and Vectors
Chapter 8: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 9: Conics, Systems of Nonlinear Equations and Parametric Equations
Chapter 10: Sequences and Series 
Chapter 11: Limits: A Prelude to Calculus 
Appendix A: Fundamentals of Algebra 

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