Experiencias: Intermediate Spanish 1st Edition
By Diane Ceo-Difrancesco, Kathy Barton, Gregory L. Thompson, and Alan V. Brown
With its focus on experiences and its rich digital content, Experiencias Intermediate is designed to lead students on a journey through the Spanish-speaking world as they broaden their horizons and experience not just the language but its cultures and peoples. With WileyPLUS, students are provided with guided learning paths in a mobile and accessible environment and are given the opportunity to collaborate and practice virtually at times that suit their schedule. Instructors can test students speaking skills as they complete video assignments synchronously and asynchronously on their own or with their peers. Students will also have access to adaptive practice to identify and focus on areas that challenge them and engage with that content.
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Video and Voice Recording Assignments
These interactive voice recording assignments allow students to get the essential speaking practice they need along with just-in-time feedback through time-stamped comments. Use Wiley’s pre-created, text-specific video and voice recording activities or create your own Question & Answer high stakes video assignments that are ideal for assessing oral proficiency.
In a unique program, Sofía presents native speakers from the community with contemporary issues and asks for their perspectives on each topic. Sofia and other students also narrate short video segments throughout the chapters, offering language acquisition tips and strategies.
Animated Grammar Tutorials:
Grammar tutorials help students review and learn the structures found in the textbook. The 40 tutorials are interactive and guide the students as they work their way through them.

Adaptive Practice:
Every student has a different starting point, and adaptive practice provides endless opportunities for practice to effectively prepare for class or quizzes and exams. Active retrieval of information with practice questions is proven to improve retention of information better than re-reading or reviewing the material, and students who use adaptive practice to prepare for exams do significantly better than those who do not. Students begin with a quick, chapter-level diagnostic to determine their initial level of understanding, and they can use the dashboard and quick reports to see what topics they know and don’t know.
- Interactive vocabulary presentations allow students to engage with Exploremos el vocabulario items via embedded audio and drag and drop activities.
- Audio flashcards offer pronunciation, English/Spanish translations, and chapter quizzes.
- Verb conjugator provides guidance and practice for conjugating verbs.
- La pronunciación offers basic rules and practice for pronouncing the alphabet, diphthongs, accent marks, and more.
- English grammar checkpoints allow students to review their use of the major grammar points from the textbook in the English language.
- Orthographic Accents helps students learn the basic concepts of the Spanish written accent system so that they can improve their pronunciation.
- Pre-created Assignments allow instructors to save time by choosing from an extensive bank of assignments they can to add to their course. These assignments often highlight questions with embedded audio or video and links to the text.
Also Available in WileyPLUS:
- Sample Syllabi are included for quarters and semesters.
- Image Gallery: Collection of the photographs, illustrations, and artwork from each chapter of the textbook.
- Test bank: Collection of assignable questions that allow instructors to build custom exams; select Test bank questions are also available in Word documents.
- Printable exams with answer keys, audio files, and scripts: There are two different exam versions per chapter, two partial and two final exams, and one IPA exam every 3 chapters.
- Lab Manual audio script: Script for each of the listening activities in the chapter.
Instructor Resources
- Vocabulary Interactives: Interactive versions of over 40 key text figures, labeling exercises for vocabulary.
- Spanish-English Glossary: The Spanish-English glossary contains the words and expressions presented for active use as well as other basic words used in the text.
- Audio Flashcards: Offers pronunciation, English/Spanish translations to study vocabulary, and chapter quizzes.
- Verb Conjugator: Supplemental practice for conjugating verbs.
Student Resources

DIANE CEO-DIFRANCESCO, PHD Experiencias with the author team has been a wonderful way of tying together my many interests and experience: research, teaching, consulting, and globally engaged learning. With a PhD in Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Methodology from the University of Pittsburgh, I ultimately landed in Cincinnati where I teach courses in Spanish language, linguistics, and world language pedagogy at Xavier University. I often work with undergraduate and graduate pre-service teachers, supervising fieldwork and student teaching, and as a consultant with K-12 world language teachers. Over the years, instructing Spanish to students at all levels and ages in a variety of contexts, I have found that teaching metacognitive learning strategies, integrating culture and facilitating authentic interaction are effective ways to engage students in successful communication. My research in applied linguistics and language pedagogy, and my experience serving as Faculty Director of both the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Eigel Center for Community-Engaged Learning at Xavier University have influenced the pedagogical underpinnings and the array of tasks, activities and learning strategies in Experiencias. My love for travel has taken me around the world, leading study abroad and immersion programs for students, faculty and staff to numerous Spanish-speaking countries. I also research and facilitate student interaction through virtual exchange. It is my hope that Experiencias inspires learners to explore, experience, and interact with different peoples, opening their minds to diverse ideas and perspectives.

KATHY BARTON, PHD It was a six grade trip to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates play baseball that would later spark my passion for the Spanish language, people and culture. Sitting in my bleacher seat I was dazzled by the performance of right fielder, Roberto Clemente and from that afternoon I carried the dream of meeting him one day. My passion for teaching became evident during choice of Spanish Education followed by an MA in Hispanic Literature at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and a PhD in Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Methodology from the University of Pittsburgh. My professional life had been the main focus of my years and, until my retirement, had revolved around 32 years as a faculty member in the Department of Foreign Languages at IUP teaching Spanish language courses, conversation, and methodology along with observing student teachers and supervising interns in Mexico and Costa Rica. I always considered the time well spent and so very worthwhile and fulfilling, knowing they would be bringing to fruition their years of study. In addition, two special experiences have brought me great professional fulfillment: the initiation and development of an after school Spanish program for the benefit of 2nd graders at a local elementary school and, the opportunity to work with the Experiencias team. Although I never had the opportunity to meet Roberto Clemente and still, at times, mourn his untimely death, he would never know the impact his life, his God given talents and his humanitarian gifts have had on my life path. I have much to be thankful for and IUP, my students, my colleagues many travel experiences over the years have added much to my fulfillment in teaching and my happiness.

GREGORY L. THOMPSON, PHD I am the son of a teacher, the brother of a teacher, the nephew of several teachers, and likely the father of future teachers as my daughters are interested in following in my footsteps. I always wanted to be a teacher growing up and received my bachelors with a double major in math and Spanish teaching in 1999. I then decided to continue my education receiving an MA in Spanish Pedagogy from Brigham Young University (2001) and then a PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona (2006). I have taught classes in language pedagogy, bilingualism, Spanish phonetics, applied linguistics, as well as classes on the development of language skills. I have published articles in areas including code-switching in the foreign language classroom; heritage language learners; service-learning and language acquisition; bilingualism and languages in contact; and placement exams and language testing. I have also published three books titled Intersection of Service and Learning: Research and Practice in the Second Language Classroom; Spanish in Bilingual and Multilingual Settings around the World; and The Changing Landscape of Spanish Language Curricula: Designing Higher Education Programs for Diverse Students. Currently I am working at Brigham Young University in the pedagogy section of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. I have had the opportunity to supervise intermediate Spanish since 2012. I feel strongly that the training I have received, my research experience, and my 20+ years of teaching experience have helped me in working on this extensive textbook project of Experiencias. Working with this author team on Experiencias has helped not only as a professional in the field but also as a professor and as a supervisor of instructors.

ALAN V. BROWN, PHD I was raised in Southern California by a Spanish teacher though I rarely got to see my father in the classroom. I knew he was rather well liked by his students and his colleagues, and a bit loony in the classroom as compared to how he was at home. It never crossed my mind as a child and teenager that I might follow a similar path as my dad. But when I got my first taste of teaching Spanish in 1995 working as a part-time instructor of small groups of volunteer missionaries during college, I fell in love. It was then that I realized that language teaching, specifically Spanish language teaching brought out the parts of my personality that I enjoyed most. I then became certified as a secondary Spanish teacher at Brigham Young University, received a Master’s in Spanish Pedagogy from the same university, and subsequently completed a doctorate in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona. All during this time I taught Spanish, and ESL at times, at the post-secondary level. I am currently on faculty at the University of Kentucky as a member of the Hispanic Studies Department and enjoy teaching and learning about all things related to Spanish applied linguistics, Spanish language teaching and learning, and Spanish second language acquisition. I have published my research in a variety of journals on language pedagogy, curriculum development, and assessment. I also co-authored a book with Greg entitled The Changing Landscape of Spanish Language Curricula: Designing Higher Education Programs for Diverse Students.
CAPÍTULO 1 Relatos de una vida mejor
CAPÍTULO 2 Otro mundo, otra experiencia
CAPÍTULO 3 Hacia un mundo más saludable
CAPÍTULO 4 Cuidando de nuestro planeta
CAPÍTULO 5 Expresiones artísticas
CAPÍTULO 6 Puentes entre culturas
CAPÍTULO 7 El comercio justo
CAPÍTULO 8 Educación para todos
CAPÍTULO 9 La Sociedad cambiante
CAPÍTULO 10 Servicio en la comunidad
CAPÍTULO 11 Actividades artísticas y musicales
CAPÍTULO 12 Diversas experiencias