Management, 5th Canadian Edition

Management, 5th Canadian Edition

By John Schermerhorn, Daniel G. Bachrach, and Barry Wright

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Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders and managers. The Management, Fifth Canadian Edition WileyPLUS course helps students discover their true potential and accept personal responsibility for developing career skills. New content on topics like disruption, Big Data, AI, machine learning, and sustainability, plus thought-provoking exercises give students a fundamental understanding of today’s world of management while urging them to reflect on their own behavior and decision-making processes. Exciting new student engagement features on key themes of Analysis, Ethics, Choices, Insight, and Wisdom attract learners’ attention and prompt additional reflection, while fresh author videos, updated video cases accompanying each chapter, and other digital assets bring managerial theory to life. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand and apply management principles, have developed concrete skills for career readiness, gained confidence in critical thinking, and embraced lifelong learning to ensure future professional success.

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Video cases connect managerial theory to the real world.

Instructors and students can explore a collection of video cases from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. All videos are accompanied by teaching notes with starting points for lectures or class discussions to help learners draw connections between the content they’re learning, the competencies they’re developing in management, and real events in the business world.

Updated video lectures from the authors encourage student engagement.

New author video lectures bring management principles and course concepts to life with a “storytelling” style to promote active learning. These videos cover the basics so instructors can maximize class time with interactive activities like team-oriented assignments and discussions.

New and refreshed exercises boost reflection and critical thinking skills.

Each chapter’s learning dashboard includes a What to Look for Inside guide that points out the many features in Management, 5th Edition that provide students with important opportunities for self-reflection, active learning, and critical thinking. Management Is Real sections include real issues, events, and people to build awareness and stimulate personal reflection, while Skills Make You Valuable sections build management competencies through individual and team learning activities.

Strengthened focus on career readiness gives students tools for professional success.

The course’s unique pedagogical approach not only helps students to understand and apply the principles of management, but also to develop tangible skillsets to succeed in the workplace through interactive online self-assessments, experiential exercises like Manage a Critical Incident, and team projects to boost collaboration and other required management skills.

What’s New

  • Real-World, Timely Content: The course has been revised and updated with a focus on real-world, timely content. New Canadian examples and expanded coverage on topics like corporate social responsibility, machine learning, artificial intelligence, sustainability, ethics in global management, entrepreneurship, and big data encourages students to make connections between contemporary management issues and their own personal career development.
  • Student Engagement Focus: Each course feature is designed to attract student attention and engage them in reflection and critical thinking so that learners are empowered to take ownership of their journeys toward career readiness. These include tools like sections on Analysis–Make Data Your Friend, Choices–Think Before You Act, Ethics–Know Right from Wrong, Insight–Keep Learning About Yourself, and Wisdom–Learn from Role Models.
  • New Structure to Section Openers: Each section begins by illustrating the connections between the section outline, the learning objectives, and takeaway questions.

John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. is the Charles G. O’Bleness Professor of Management Emeritus in the College of Business at Ohio University, where he teaches graduate courses in management and organizational behavior. Dr. Schermerhorn earned a PhD in organizational behavior from Northwestern University, an MBA (with distinction) in management and international business from New York University, and a BS in business administration from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He previously taught at Tulane University, the University of Vermont, and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, where he also served as head of the Department of Management and associate dean of the College of Business Administration. His wealth of international teaching and writing experience adds a unique global dimension to his current projects and roles in higher education. Dr. Schermerhorn is a popular guest speaker at colleges and universities, offering student lectures and a variety of faculty workshops on writing and instructional innovation.

Dr. Daniel G. Bachrach is the Robert C. and Rosa P. Morrow Faculty Excellence Fellow and Professor of Management in the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration at the University of Alabama, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in management. Dr. Bachrach earned a PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management—with a minor emphasis in strategic management—from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, an MS in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and a BA in psychology from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.

A member of the Academy of Management and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dr. Bachrach serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He is co-editor of the Handbook of Behavioral Operations Management: Social and Psychological Dynamics in Production and Service Settings (Oxford University Press, 2014), co-author of Transformative Selling: Becoming a Resource Manager and a Knowledge Broker (Axcess Capon, 2014), and senior co-author of 10 Don’ts on your Digital Devices: The Non-Techie’s Survival Guide to Digital Security and Privacy (Apress, 2014).

Barry Wright is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business. Dr. Wright’s research centres primarily on change and its influence on organizational members. Specifically, his research interests focus on leadership issues, small business use of information technology, and enacting organizational change. He has provided consultation to a number of organizations including: Sobeys, Bank of Montreal, Price Waterhouse Coopers, and the Insurance Bureau of Canada. With a Ph.D. in Management from Queen’s University, Barry enjoys being married and a father, coaching sports, a trip to the art gallery, travelling, and a good laugh.


Chapter 1. Introducing Management

Chapter 2. Management Learning Past to Present

Chapter 3. Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 4. Environment, Innovation, and Sustainability

Chapter 5. Global Management and Cultural Diversity

Chapter 6. Entrepreneurship and New Ventures

Chapter 7. Data and Decision Making

Chapter 8. Planning Processes and Techniques

Chapter 9. Control Processes and Systems

Chapter 10. Strategy and Strategic Management

Chapter 11. Organization Structures

Chapter 12. Organization Culture and Change

Chapter 13. Strategic Human Resource Management

Chapter 14. Leading and Leadership Development

Chapter 15. Individual Behavior

Chapter 16. Motivation Theory and Practice

Chapter 17. Teams and Teamwork

Chapter 18. Communication and Collaboration

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