Course Design Awards

We are thrilled to announce the 2020 WileyPLUS Nexty Award contest!

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Celebrating the Best in Course Design!

You spend hours designing the perfect course—identifying goals, selecting content, planning your face-to-face or online interactions, cultivating a one-of-a-kind user experience, and identifying homework, activities, and assessments. The result: your students excel, your class is engaged, you inspire a few to pursue a career they would not otherwise consider, your reviews are glowing, and your colleagues are grateful—and now, something more: you have the opportunity to be awarded for your efforts. We’re thrilled to announce the first installment of the WileyPLUS Best Course Design Awards, developed to recognize and reward customers for exceptional product usage.


Best Overall Course Award

The Best Overall Course Award recognizes instructors who have developed exemplary courses and will be evaluated in four major areas: Course Design, Assessment, Integration of Adaptive Practice, and Overall Usage Metrics.

Most Innovative Course Award

The winner of this award will show how they designed an innovative course that had a strong impact on students.

Student Impact Award

The Student Impact Award recognizes individuals and/or institutions that successfully increased levels of student engagement or retention through pedagogical and technology strategies. Submissions should focus on how instructors fostered student success and provide quantitative evidence of that success.

Best Multi-Section Course Award

The Best Multi-Section Course Award recognizes the individual or team that creates an exemplary course that serves multiple sections. Courses will be assessed on: Course Design, Use of Assessment, Integration of Adaptive Practice, and Overall Usage Metrics.

WileyPLUS Partnership Award

The WileyPLUS Partnership Award recognizes the instructor who has played an instrumental role in the development of WileyPLUS. Instructors will be evaluated on level of customization and full usage of resources and assessments within their limited field trial courses. Equally important, the winning instructor must demonstrate an exemplary commitment to providing feedback for ongoing product development.

Check out the 2018 WileyPLUS Nexty Award Winners!


Best Online Course Award

Kellie Grasman

Student Impact Course Award

Ashley Kruse

Most Innovative Course Award

Eric Wen

Best Multi-Section Course Award

Whitney Zimmerman

WileyPLUS Partnership Award

Leslie Van Wolvelear