International Business, 3rd Edition

International Business, Third Edition

By Shad Morris, James Oldroyd

$76.95  USD | $109.95  CAN

Enable students to develop multicultural competency and sensitivity. Committed to staying current, International Business, Third Edition discusses cutting-edge topics like COVID-19, sustainability, civic justice, poverty, race and inequality, and their global business implications. Unique emphasis on the Political, Economic, Sociocultural, and Technological (PEST) framework provides real-life context that prepares students for the world of global business. To move students beyond understanding and help them make business decisions, this edition challenges students to think critically about the global marketplace and the issues that affect it.

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Inspire conceptual understanding and student preparedness.

Prepare your students for class with introductory videos that were created to provide a comprehensive, engaging, and visually dynamic overview of the chapter’s key concepts.

Break down complex content and help students connect theory to international business in practice with Animated Summary Videos developed by the authors and Brigham Young University’s Center for Teaching and Learning.


Activate knowledge application with real-world context.

Illustrate how students can use the text concepts to solve real-world problems using our Case Study Activities that give students practical experiences with international business. These cases (two per chapter!) focus on relatable companies like Microsoft & DEI, Toyota and the Return of Inventory, Trade and the Global Auto Industry, and Uber’s Market Entry Plan. Easily assess students using our discussion question grading rubrics.

Spark classroom debate around current events by providing Management Weekly Updates that include the most relevant news articles and videos tagged to your course complemented by discussion questions.

Bring real-world context to course topics with our Application Videos, which provide cutting-edge business video content from Bloomberg and feature chapter-level graded activities.

Cultivate the critical thinking skills students need for career success.

Help students apply key concepts in an engaging, scenario-based format with four Mini Simulations. Developed from the ground-up by our authors in partnership with International Business Labs, these experiential mini-simulations concentrate on market entry, foreign exchange, and global literacy are available with WileyPLUS for $10 more, these experiential mini-simulations include:

  • Market Entry Lab – students choose a product, evaluate their top potential markets and then determine how to enter the market 
  • Foreign Exchange Lab – students are given an amount of fake currency, trade them to several countries, and then analyze whether they have lost or made money  
  • Global Compass Lab – instructors can dynamically determine the global exposure of their class 
  • Cultural Intelligence Lab –  students are quizzed on what different body language and gestures mean in different countries 

Provide students with hands-on data experience using our Data Analytics & Business Module. Developed through a partnership with business leaders in the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) to identify the competencies graduates need to be successful in their careers, this module includes industry-validated content that prepares  International Business students for the changing workforce.

Bridge the gap between the classroom and future careers with Career Center Resources which contain a variety of helpful materials such as career coaching videos, tools to create an e-portfolio, and more!

What’s New to This Course

  • Applied Mini Simulations help students experience how key International Business concepts affect global markets in an engaging, scenario-based format.
  • New and updated Case Study Activities that illustrate how students can use the text to solve real-world problems and give students practical experiences with international business. The new cases cover Microsoft & DEI, Toyota and the Return of Inventory, Trade and the Global Auto Industry, and Uber’s Market Entry Plan.
  • Five new Animated Summary Videos to address issues related to sovereign wealth funds, motivation across cultures, growth mindset emerging markets, foreign direct investment, and understanding global careers

Shad Morris teaches and conducts research on people, strategy, and the global economy. In addition to his full-time position at the Marriott School of Brigham Young University, he is a research fellow at Cambridge University and has been on the faculty at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Samsung’s SKK Graduate School of Business, and Ohio State University. In 2016 he was awarded the Scholarly Excellence Award from the Marriott School of Management at BYU. He has co-authored three books and regularly publishes in academic and industry journals. He serves as a council member for the Global Management Center Board of Directors and holds a conference-related role for the Strategic Management Society. Prior to becoming an academic, he worked for the World Bank, for Management Systems International, and for Alcoa.

James Oldroyd is an associate professor of strategy at the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, and the Ford Motor/Richard Cook Research Fellow. He received his Ph.D. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2007. He was an associate professor of management at SKK-GSB in Seoul, South Korea, for five years and an assistant professor of international business at Ohio State University for three years. Professor Oldroyd’s research explores the intersection of networks and knowledge flows. His work has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Review, Organization Science and Harvard Business Review. He teaches courses on strategy, strategy implementation, international business, and negotiations to undergraduates, MBAs, and executives. In addition to teaching at SKK, OSU and BYU, he has taught at the Indian School of Business and the University of North Carolina. He is actively involved in delivering custom leadership training courses for numerous companies including Samsung, Doosan, SK, Quintiles, and inside sales.

1 Globalization 
2 Analytical Tools for International Business
3 Political Systems
4 The Legal Environment
5 Economic Systems
6 Currency and Foreign Exchange
7 Trade
8 Culture
9 Sustainability
10 Poverty
11 Technological Change and Infrastructure
12 Global Innovation and Intellectual Property 
13 Country Selection and Entry
14 International Strategy
15 International Organizational Structures 
16 Global Leadership
17 Global Marketing
18 Global Operations and Supply-Chain Management
19 Global Human Resource Management
20 Global Finance and Accounting

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