Managerial Accounting 7th edition
By James Jiambalvo
To be a successful manager, you need to understand how foundational managerial accounting concepts apply to the business world. Managerial Accounting 7th edition, now available with the new WileyPLUS, helps students make direct connections between the classroom and the boardroom by presenting robust cases, interactive industry examples, and managers’ comments on real company issues.
Known for its “You Get What You Measure” framework, this edition presents an updated focus on building students’ decision-making and critical thinking skills through incremental analysis and data analytics coverage. Appropriate for both introductory and MBA Managerial Accounting courses, Managerial Accounting, 7th edition helps prepares students for their role as future leaders.
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Just-in-time homework assistance keep students engaged and on track.
Author-created Solution Walkthrough Videos offers 24/7 homework assistance for hundreds of exercises and problems. These videos further break down complex problems and build students’ problem-solving skills by walking them through the process of solving important homework problems.
Managerial concepts are connected to the real world.
The Managerial Video Series are professionally-narrated videos shot with real-world business professionals. These videos include brands that students can identify with, such as Whole Foods and Southwest. Students get important exposure to actual problems encountered in the field and see how businesses solve them in real-time. Students get valuable insight and examples of skills they will need to be successful in their future careers.
Data Analytics and Accounting module fosters career-readiness
In partnership with the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF), the new WileyPLUS introduces students to an accounting-specific data analytics module with interactive lessons, case studies, and videos to help students develop the professional competencies they need to be successful in their future careers.
What’s New
- Adaptive Practice: Adaptive practice offers unlimited drill and practice focused on conceptual material, ensuring students are building their confidence and continuing to engage with the course material.
- Blank-Sheet-of-Paper Question Design: The blank-sheet-of-paper design with type-ahead fosters memory recall, while avoiding the potential pitfall of student typos. With a modern design, students work through accounting problem sets that mimic professional applications.
- Microsoft Excel Videos: Students benefit from gaining basic Excel knowledge in the context of accounting that can be applied to their future course and careers.
- Wiley Accounting Weekly Updates: The weekly accounting updates keep you and your students up-to-date on the latest in accounting news stories. Each week, you’ll receive access to 3-5 news articles, video clips, business news stories, and more with discussion questions to bring financial accounting topics to life.
- Applied Skills Videos: These videos are available as question assistance in the new WileyPLUS and help students review key problem-solving techniques and their application to homework problems.
- Pre-Built Homework Assignments: Each module contains pre-built homework assignments based on usage data. Instructors can quickly assign homework for students based on the most widely-assigned and completed problems, saving valuable time with course preparation.
James Jiambalvo is the Michael G. Foster Endowed Chair in Accounting at the University of Washington Foster School of Business. He joined the accounting faculty at the University of Washington after receiving a Ph.D. in accounting from The Ohio State University. A CPA, he has audit experience with the firm of Haskins and Sells (now Deloitte), and has served on the national academic advisory board of Deloitte LLP. Professor Jiambalvo received the Notable Contribution to the Auditing Literature Award from the American Accounting Association and is listed in the top 100 most prolific authors in major accounting journals between 1959 and 2008. He is a past associate editor of The Accounting Review and has served on the review board of Contemporary Accounting Research. Professor Jiambalvo has taught numerous executive education courses including courses for Alcoa, Boeing, Microsoft, Tyson, and other major firms. He serves on the board of Zones and previously served on the board of Saltchuk Resources.
- Managerial Accounting in the Information Age
- Job Order Costing for Manufacturing and Service Companies
- Process Costing
- Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
- Variable Costing
- Cost Allocation and Activity-Based Costing
- The Use of Cost Information in Management Decision Making
- Pricing Decisions, Customer Profitability Analysis, and Activity-Based Pricing
- Capital Budgeting and Other Long-Run Decisions
- Budgetary Planning and Control
- Standard Costs and Variance Analysis
- Decentralization and Performance Evaluation
- Statement of Cash Flows*
- Analyzing Financial Statements: A Managerial Perspective*
*Online only