Halliday and Resnick’s Fundamentals of Physics, 12th Edition
By David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker
Fundamentals of Physics 12the Edition optimizes the student experience in the calculus-based course. The new simulations accompanying the 12the edition are intended to help students understand the challenging concepts of physics and to motivate them to engage with content in a meaningful way. WileyPLUS is revamped to enforce a more student-centered, visual experience, providing guidance, interaction, and adaptability.
Simulations are integrated throughout and are linked to exercises that guide students through a deeper interaction with Physics. All activities also include feedback and detailed solutions to motivate students to stay engaged fully in WileyPLUS.
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Enhanced free-body diagram solutions
For many problems involving multiple forces, an interactive free body diagram drawing tool through GeoGebra is available to construct the diagrams. This is a critical first step for students solving many equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems with Newton’s Second Law.
Adaptive Assignments powered by Knewton
For every chapter ignite students’ confidence to persist so that they can succeed in their courses and beyond. By continuously adapting to each students’ needs and providing achievable goals with just-in-time instruction directly from the 12th edition, Adaptive Assignments close knowledge gaps to accelerate learning in WileyPLUS.
Interactive Exercises and Simulations
Depicting a physical situation in which time dependent phenomena are animated and information is presented in multiple representations, including a visual representation of the physical system as well as a plot of related variables. Adjustable parameters allow the user to change a property of the system and to see the effects of that change on the subsequent behavior, “seeing” physics in action. Simulations are also linked to a set of interactive exercises that guide students through a deeper interaction with the physics underlying the simulation. Dozens of media activities are available for each chapter, including simulations, demonstration videos, and animations.
GO Tutorials
GO Tutorials, leading the student through key ideas and hints when wrong answers are submitted. Final answer is not given and left up to the student to solve though.
- Checkpoints within each chapter module.
- All end of chapter homework problems.
- Symbolic notation problems.
More than 1500 instructional videos
More than 1500 multimedia assets, including instructional videos of Jearl Walker drawing on screen with is voice overlayed.
Additional videos include:
- Reviews of high school math, including basic algebraic manipulations, trig functions, and simultaneous equations.
- Introductions to vector manipulations.
- Tutorials on chapter subjects.
- Presentations of sample problems and how to read technical material.
- Video solutions to 20% of the end-of chapter problems.
- Examples of how to read data from graphs.
What’s New to This Course
- Pre-lecture videos w/ problem sets from Dr. Melanie Good, University of Pittsburgh, for every section in Physics 1 and 2.
- Updated Brad Tree’s Simulations powered by GeoGebra
- Video illustrations of almost 30 photographs and figures from the chapters.
- Test bank, revised, reviewed and updated by author Jearl Walker. Now computerized in TestGen
Additional Features Include
- 20+ Math Help Videos.
- Simulation-Based Problems.
- Concept Questions and Lecture Concept Check Questions.
- Physics Demonstration Videos.
- Physics Concept Simulations (1-7 per chapter).
- MCAT Practice Questions: one practice test per chapter to reflect the updated MCAT exam style.
Instructor Resources
- Instructor’s Solutions Manual provides worked-out solutions for all problems found at the end of each chapter. It is available in both MSWord and PDF.
- Instructor’s Manual containing lecture notes outlining the most important topics of each chapter; demonstration experiments; laboratory and computer projects; film and video sources; answers to all questions, exercises, problems, and checkpoints; and a correlation guide to the questions, exercises, and problems in the previous edition. It also contains a complete list of all problems for which solutions are available to students.
- Classroom Response Systems (“Clicker”) Questions with two sets of questions available: Reading Quiz questions and Interactive Lecture questions. The Reading Quiz questions are intended to be straightforward for any student who reads the assigned material. The Interactive Lecture questions are intended for use in an interactive lecture setting.
- Wiley Physics Simulations offer a collection of 50 interactive simulations (Java applets) that can be used for classroom demonstrations.
- Wiley Physics Demonstrations are a collection of digital videos of 80 standard physics demonstrations. They can be shown in class or accessed from WileyPLUS. There is an accompanying Instructor’s Guide that includes “clicker” questions.
- Test bank includes nearly 3,000 multiple-choice questions. These items are also available in the Computerized Test Bank, which provides full editing features to help you customize tests (available in both IBM and Macintosh versions).
- All text illustrations suitable for both classroom projection and printing.
- New TestGen computerized test bank allows for quick creation of quizzes or tests. TestGen provides a variety of question types and also allows instructors to create their own questions.
- Lecture PowerPoint Slides serve as a helpful starter pack for instructors, outlining key concepts and incorporating figures and equations from the text.
JEARL WALKER, professor of physics at Cleveland State University, received his BS in physics from MIT in 1967 and his Ph.D. in physics from University of Maryland in 1973. His book The Flying Circus of Physics was first published 41 years ago and was translated into at least 10 languages. The second edition was published in 2006 and is still being translated into other languages. For 16 years, he toured his Flying Circus talk throughout the U.S. and Canada, introducing such physics stunts as the bed-of-nails demonstration and the walking-on-hot-coals demonstration to countless physics teachers, who then proceeded to hurt themselves when they repeated the stunts in their own classrooms. These talks led to his PBS television series Kinetic Karnival that was rerun nationally for years and which landed him a local Emmy, now proudly displayed in his first-floor bathroom. Since then, he was on the Canadian radio show Quirks and Quarks weekly for 11 years and on the Discovery Channel Canada show Daily Planet numerous times.
During his 13 years with Scientific American magazine, he wrote 152 articles for “The Amateur Scientist” section, which were translated into at least 9 languages worldwide and had over 2 million readers each month. His topics ranged from the physics of judo to the physics of béarnaise sauce and lemon meringue pies.
In 1990, he took over the Fundamentals of Physics, the textbook he used in his first year at MIT, from David Halliday and Robert Resnick. Since then he has published seven editions of the book (which have appeared in 16 translations) and sold over a million copies in North America and around three to four million copies worldwide. He has lost count of the number of times he has been on television and radio and interviewed for newspapers and magazines; however, he clearly remembers the 20 minutes he spent performing on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson where he stuck his fingers into molten lead without losing any of them to the great relief of his mother who was at home watching the show.
Volume 1
1. Measurement
2. Motion Along a Straight Line
3. Vector
4. Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
5. Force and Motion I
6. Force and Motion II
7. Kinetic Energy and Work
8. Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
9. Center of Mass and Linear Momentum
10. Rotation
11. Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum
12. Equilibrium and Elasticity
13. Gravitation
14. Fluids
15. Oscillations
16. Waves I
17. Waves II
18. Temperature, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics
19. The Kinetic Theory of Gases
Volume 2
20. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
21. Electric Charge
22. Electric Fields
23. Gauss’ Law
24. Electric Potential
25. Capacitance
26. Current and Resistance
27. Circuits
28. Magnetic Fields
29. Magnetic Fields Due to Currents
30. Induction and Inductance
31. Electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternating Current
32. Maxwell’s Equations; Magnetism of Matter
33. Electromagnetic Waves
34. Images
35. Interference
36. Diffraction
37. Relativity
38. Photons and Matter Waves
39. More About Matter Waves
40. All About Atoms
41. Conduction of Electricity in Solids
42. Nuclear Physics
43. Energy from the Nucleus
44. Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang