Foundations of College Chemistry, 16th Edition

Foundations of College Chemistry, 16th Edition

By Morris Hein, Susan Arena, and Cary Willard

$76.95  USD | $98.95  CAN
$131.95  USD | $153.95  CAN

Foundations of College Chemistry, 16th Edition is accurate, clear, and direct. Foundations’ straightforward explanations focus on problem solving. Its comprehensive scope, proven track record, and outstanding examples and problem sets were all designed to provide instructors with a solid foundation while not overwhelming students in a difficult course.

WileyPLUS supports a wide mix of students with diversified backgrounds and career paths. With the ability to tailor and customize the course content with a variety of digital resources, the 16th edition was designed to meet this wide array of needs.

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131 online learning module videos

provide a more individual learning experience. Videos are paired with examples within the course materials to provide an alternative way to learn problem-solving.

Enhanced Examples

178 enhanced examples

provide a one-on-one learning experience that mimics the office hours experience.

Math Skills modules

Math Skills modules

provide a comprehensive review of topics including: rations, scientific notation, significant figures, and graphing.

Instructor Resources

  • New TestGen computerized test bank allows for quick creation of quizzes or tests. TestGen provides a variety of question types and also allows instructors to create their own questions.
  • Digital Image Library: Images from the text are available online in JPEG format. Instructors may use these to customize their presentations and to provide additional visual support for quizzes and exams.
  • Power Point Lecture Slides: Updated for this version by William Douglas Urban, these slides contain lecture outlines and key topics from each chapter of the text, along with supporting artwork and figures from the text.
    • All end-of-chapter questions are available for assignment and automatic grading.
    • Every assignable question has been enhanced with additional content such as hints, solutions, and guided tutorials which can be made available to students at the instructor’s discretion.
    • Pre-built assignments with two options per chapter that can be assigned with a single click.
    • Prelecture checkpoint question.
    • The complete instructor ancillary package can be accessed directly from WileyPLUS
    • including Lecture PowerPoints, Solutions Manual, Classroom Response System (Clickers) questions and Test Bank.
    • WileyPLUS can be integrated with many popular Learning Management Systems such as BlackBoard and Canvas. Integration allows for single-sign-on and gradebook synchronization.

Morris Hein earned his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He was professor emeritus of Chemistry at Mt. San Antonio College where he regularly taught the preparatory chemistry course and organic chemistry. He was the original author of Foundations of College Chemistry, and his name has become synonymous with clarity, meticulous accuracy, and a step-by-step approach that students can follow. Morris passed away in late 2014 and was actively working on our courses until the very end. His sharp eyes and attention to detail will be sorely missed.

Susan Arena earned a BS and MA in Chemistry at California State University Fullerton. She has taught science and mathematics at all levels, including middle school, high school, community college, and university. At the University of Illinois, she developed a program for increasing the retention of minorities and women in science and engineering. This program focused on using active learning and peer teaching to encourage students to excel in the sciences. She has coordinated and led workshops and programs for science teachers from elementary through college levels that encourage and support active learning and creative science teaching techniques. For several years she was director of an Institute for Chemical Education (ICE) field center in Southern California. In addition to Foundations of College Chemistry, 15th edition, she is co-author of Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 10th edition. Susan enjoys reading, knitting, traveling, classic cars, and gardening in her spare time when she is not playing with her grandchildren.

Cary Willard received her BS in Chemistry from California State Polytechnic Institute, Pomona, and her PhD from the University of California, Davis. She taught chemistry at Grossmont College in El Cajon, California for more than 20 years. Her biggest successes are the students who come into chemistry afraid of the subject but leave having discovered that chemistry really is fun. Her interest in sharing the excitement of science to the community resulted in Grossmont College hosting a Science Festival, multiple Science Decathlons, model airplane flying, and robotics competitions. Cary is also a member of the BE WiSE (Better Education for Women in Science and Engineering) steering committee and works with the group to share the excitement of scientific research with a new generation of young women. Cary is currently an Instructional Dean at Lost Angeles Trade Technical College. In her spare time, Cary enjoys exploring the San Diego region both on foot and in her kayak.


1. An Introduction to Chemistry

2. Standards for Measurement

3. Elements and Compounds

4. Properties of Matter

5. Early Atomic Theory and Structure

6. Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds

7. Quantitative Composition of Compounds

8. Chemical Equations

9. Calculations from Chemical Equations

10. Modern Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table

11. Chemical Bonds: The Formation of Compounds from Atoms

12. The Gaseous State of Matter

13. Liquids

14. Solutions

15. Acids, Bases, and Salts

16. Chemical Equilibrium

17. Oxidation-Reduction

18. Nuclear Chemistry

19. Introduction to Organic Chemistry

20. Introduction to Biochemistry




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