Introduction to Information Systems, 9th Edition

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Introduction to Information Systems, 9th Edition

By Kelly Rainer and Brad Prince

$76.95  USD | $109.95  CAN

Introduction to Information Systems, 9th Edition teaches undergraduate business majors how to use information technology to master their current or future jobs. Students develop a working understanding of information systems and information technology and learn how to apply concepts to successfully facilitate business processes. This course demonstrates that IT is the backbone of any business, whether a student is majoring in accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, production/operations management, or MIS. WileyPLUS is packed with homework practice, engaging video lessons, data analytics activities, an e-book, Real-World Video Activities, and much more.

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Hear from our Authors

Students can engage with the course material and successfully learn key concepts:

New! Adaptive Assignments offer personalized, just-in-time support and targeted instruction for students. Through scaffolded learning and actionable analytics, adaptive assignments bridge knowledge and skill gaps and support student and class intervention.

Lecture Videos: The authors provide an extensive series of lecture videos, ranging in length from 3 minutes to 10 minutes that explain key concepts throughout the course. Each clip addresses a single concept and reinforces it without being confusing to the students.

Apply the Concept Activities: This course’s unique pedagogical structure is designed to keep students actively engaged with the course material. Reading material in each chapter subsection is supported by an “Apply the Concept” activity that is directly related to a chapter objective. These activities include links to online videos and articles and other hands-on activities that require students to immediately apply what they have learned.

Learn IS concepts efficiently in a real-world context:

Real-World Video Activities are a set of graded analysis activities that pair cutting-edge business video content from Bloomberg with concepts from the Rainer course. This resource provides students with an applied and engaging learning experience to supplement their information systems course.

Career Application Videos: Students really want to understand how course concepts relate to their future careers. To help make that connection, found in WileyPLUS are Career Application Videos that feature author Kelly Rainer discussing how IS topics relate to students’ future careers.

Data Analytics Module

Develop problem solving skills and critical thinking in students:

Data Analytics & Business Module prepares students for the changing workplace. With the emergence of Data Analytics transforming the business environment, Wiley has partnered with business leaders in the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) to identify the competencies graduates need to be successful in their careers. As a result, this module includes industry-validated content that prepares students for the changing workforce.

What’s New to This Course

  • New! Chapter Opening and Closing Cases address a business problem faced by actual organizations and how they employ information systems and information technology to solve these issues. The cases generally consist of a description of the problem, an overview of the IS solutions implemented, and a presentation of the results of the implementation. Each case closes with discussion questions so that students can further explore the concepts presented in the case.
  • New! IT’s About Business cases feature vivid examples from large corporations, small businesses, government, and not-for-profit organizations to show the connection between IT and business.
  • New and Expanded Information Systems Topics:
    • Chapter 1 emphasizes digital transformation and the information technologies that drive such transformations.
    • Chapter 6 provides an expanded discussion of the evolution of the Web, from Web 1.0 to Web 5.0.
    • Chapter 7 includes an expanded discussion of blockchain technology. It provides examples of the use of blockchains, including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the energy grid, digital content creators (e.g., music and journalism), and along supply chains.
    • In Chapter 9, a section called “Problems with Social Computing” was added and includes discussions on bots, cyborgs, trolls, troll farms, fake news, and deepfakes, as well as the infinite scroll and randomly scheduled rewards.
    • Chapter 12 expands the discussion of the difference between analytics and statistics, adds real-world scenarios that allow students to apply the business analytics process (Figure 12.3), and adds a discussion of Google Analytics.
    • New Chapter 14 addresses the critically important topic of artificial intelligence.
    • Technology Guide 1 has a new section addressing augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) and provide numerous real-world examples of AR, VR, and MR.
    • Technology Guide 3 has a new section comparing the “Big Three” cloud computing vendors: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform.
Kelly Rainer

Kelly Rainer is the George Phillips Privett Professor in the Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia (1988). Rainer has published in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, and Decision Sciences as well as other leading journals. He is associate editor of the Information Resources Management Journal and associate editor of the Communications of the Association of Information Systems Journal.

Brad Prince

Brad Prince is a professor of information systems at the University of West Georgia. He earned his Ph.D. from Auburn University (2006) where he was a student of Kelly Rainer’s. Prince has published in Review of Business Research, Review of Social Studies, Law and Psychology, European Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, among others. He is a member of the Association of Information Systems and the Association of Computing Machinery.

  1. Introduction to Information Systems
  2. Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems
  3. Ethics and Privacy
  4. Information Security
  5. Data and Knowledge Management
  6. Telecommunications and Networking
  7. E-Business and E-Commerce
  8. Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce
  9. Social Computing
  10. Information Systems Within the Organization
  11. Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management
  12. Business Analytics
  13. Acquiring Information Systems and Applications
  14. Artificial Intelligence
  • TECHNOLOGY GUIDE 1. Hardware
  • TECHNOLOGY GUIDE 2. Software
  • TECHNOLOGY GUIDE 3. Cloud Computing
  • APPENDIX Apply the Concept Activities

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