Contemporary Business 3rd Canadian Edition

Contemporary Business 3rd Canadian Edition

By Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, Susan Berston, Michael H. Khan, Brahm M. Canzer

$76.95  USD | $98.95  CAN

Contemporary Business, Third Canadian Edition, is completely integrated with WileyPLUS, featuring a suite of teaching and learning resources. Many dynamic resources are integrated into the course to help students build their knowledge and understanding, stay motivated, and prepare for decision making in a real-world context. The WileyPLUS course includes features such as the new Data Analytics & Decision-Making Module, Bloomberg Video Activities, CBC Videos, Lecture Overview Videos, and Video Summaries. All these features help students build their knowledge and understanding, stay motivates, and prepare them for decision making in a real-world context.

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Bloomberg Video Activities

This new feature in WileyPLUS offers a set of graded video activities to support cutting-edge video content from Bloomberg. The corresponding video activities challenge students to tie content directly to real-world business scenarios and offer them an applied, engaging learning experience to supplement their introductory business course.

Data Analytics Asset

Data Analytics & Decision-Making Module

With the emergence of Data Analytics transforming the business environment, Wiley has partnered with business leaders in the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) to identify the competencies graduates need to be successful in their careers. As a result, this module has been created from industry-validated content to prepare business students with professional competencies needed for the changing workforce.

What’s New

  • Free Study Guide: The Study Guide to Accompany Contemporary Business, Third Canadian Edition, is available free to students and provides a solid review of the concepts covered in the textbook and in a contemporary business course. The study guide includes a variety of question material and application exercises and is available in WileyPLUS.
  • Practice Quizzes This resource allows students to test their knowledge and understanding of key chapter content. Practices quizzes are available in WileyPLUS.

DAVE KURTZ did his undergraduate studies at Davis & Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia. He was then accepted by the graduate business school at the University of Arkansas, where he met Gene Boone. Gene and Dave became long-time co-authors; together they produced more than 50 books. In addition to writing, Dave and Gene were involved in several entrepreneurial ventures. This long-term partnership ended with Gene’s death in 2005. But, this book will always be Boone & Kurtz’s Contemporary Business. Dave is back teaching at the University of Arkansas, after tours of duty in Ypsilanti, Michigan; Seattle, Washington; and Melbourne, Australia. He is the proud grandfather of six and a sportsman with a golf handicap too high to mention. Dave, his wife, Diane, and four demanding canine companions live in Rogers, Arkansas. Dave holds a distinguished professorship at the Sam M. Walton College of Business in nearby Fayetteville.

SUSAN BERSTON worked in the corporate banking division of a Japanese bank after completing her MBA from the University of San Francisco. Soon bitten by the sales bug, she joined the sales force of printer R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, which is where she realized her passion for satisfying customers, outsmarting competitors, providing creative solutions, and building relationships.

She returned to academia and campus life to eventually become a full-time professor at City College of San Francisco in 2005, where she teaches courses in introduction to business, management, and entrepreneurship—and where her father, also a textbook author, taught business for over five decades. Here Susan feels incredibly lucky mentoring her students, whether as a faculty advisor to various student-led clubs, or

as a member of the Academic Senate Executive Council and Board of Directors of the bookstore. For Susan, bringing ideas to life inside and outside of the classroom and creating a personalized and collaborative student experience with the new WileyPLUS is simply the icing on the cake.

Michael Kahn

MICHAEL KHAN is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. He teaches in both the MBA and Commerce programs and has won awards for excellence in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. His involvement in professional accounting training includes teaching for the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario. Michael is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) and holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University. He also has specialized professional designations in the field of information technology audit and governance (CISA—Certified Information Systems Auditor; CGEIT—Certified in the Governance of Enterprise Information Technology; and CITP—Certified Information Technology Professional). His professional experience includes internal and external audit, accounting, and consulting positions at Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Rogers Communications, and George Weston Limited. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling and scuba diving.

Brahm Kanzer

BRAHM CANZER currently teaches business management courses to John Abbott College students in Montreal. During his teaching career, he was also an adjunct lecturer at McGill University and Concordia University. He has also taught undergraduate courses in a corporate learning program under the auspices of the University of Toronto. Brahm received his PhD (1995) and MBA (1976) from Concordia University in Montreal. His strong interest in the use of Internet technology in education led him to be among the first pioneers to design and teach online MBA courses for Simon Fraser University. He is a contributing author to several business textbooks and author of eBusiness: Strategic Thinking and Practice. He has helped create a variety of web-based supplemental learning materials in academic and corporate learning settings. Brahm also provides consulting services to businesses seeking assistance as they explore web-based opportunities and solutions for improving their operations.

  1. The Changing Face of Business 
  2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 
  3. Economic Challenges Facing Business Today 
  4. Competing in World Markets 
  5. Forms of Business Ownership and Organization 
  6. Starting Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Alternative 
  7. Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization 
  8. Human Resource Management: From Recruitment to Labour Relations 
  9. Top Performance through Empowerment, Teamwork, and Communication 
  10. Production and Operations Management 
  11. Customer-Driven Marketing 
  12. Product and Distribution Strategies
  13. Promotion and Pricing Strategies 
  14. Using Technology to Manage Information 
  15. Understanding Accounting and Financial Statements 
  16. The Financial System 
  17. Financial Management 

APPENDIX A  Additional Cases 

APPENDIX B Business Law 

APPENDIX C Insurance and Risk Management 

APPENDIX D Personal Financial Planning 

APPENDIX E Developing a Business Plan 

APPENDIX F Careers in Contemporary Business

APPENDIX G Launching Your Career

APPENDIX H Comprehensive Case Study – Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company 


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