Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology, 9th Edition

Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology, 9th Edition

By Gerald Karp, Janet Iwasa, and Wallace Marshall

$76.95  USD | $98.95  CAN

Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology and WileyPLUS deliver a concise and illustrative learning experience that helps students connect key concepts and experimentation, so they better understand how we know what we know in the world of cell biology.

WileyPLUS connects the text to carefully-selected media examples and provides students a multitude of tools and content for self-study and practice. Along with beautiful visual resources, two new sections and associated assessment in each chapter show the relevance of key cell biology concepts to plant cell biology and bioengineering.

These new sections, together with updated and restructured core content, new digital tools, and a new WileyPLUS experience, give faculty members the freedom and flexibility to use Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology for a variety of different biology courses.

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Hear from our Authors

Experimental Walkthroughs

With the new Experimental Walkthroughs, students can see first-hand how key experimental techniques are performed in the lab. These offer a mix of video, which show how researchers carry out experiments, and 3D animations that show a molecular-level view of how the experiments work.

Quantitative Tutorial Videos

The Quantitative Tutorial provides an accessible, student-friendly review of basic mathematical concepts used within the context of a biological problem, and expands upon the available resources for quantitative and physical concepts within this 8th edition

Accessible Approach

Janet Iwasa and Marshall Wallace convey how to get your students excited about Cell Biology by taking an experimental approach supported by quantitative tutorials.

Features Include

  • Quantitative Tutorial Videos
  • Cell View Animations
  • Biology Basics Animations
  • Interactive Graphics
  • An extensive Video Library

Janet Iwasa (University of Utah) is a faculty member in the biochemistry department at the University of Utah, where she specializes in visualizing biological processes. Janet’s award-winning illustrations and animations have appeared in scientific journals including Nature, Science, and Cell as well as in the New York Times.

Wallace Marshall (UC San Francisco) is a professor of biochemistry at the University of California San Francisco, where he studies questions of cellular organization in green algae, years, ciliates, and mammalian cells.

  1. Introduction to the Study of Cell and Molecular Biology
  2. The Chemical Basis of Life
  3. Bioenergetics, Enzymes and Metabolism
  4. The Structure and Function of the Plasma Membrane
  5. Aerobic Respiration and the Mitochondrion
  6. Photosynthesis and the Chloroplast
  7. Interactions Between Cells and Their Environment
  8. Cytoplasmic Membrane Systems: Structure, Function, and Membrane Trafficking
  9. The Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility
  10. The Nature of the Gene and the Genome
  11. Gene Expression: From Transcription to Translation
  12. Control of Gene Expression
  13. DNA Replication and Repair
  14. Cellular Reproduction
  15. Cell Signaling and Signal Transduction: Communication between Cells
  16. Cancer
  17. The Immune Response
  18. Techniques in Cell and Molecular Biology

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