Human Physiology, 2nd Edition
By Bryan Derrickson
Human Physiology is an integrated solution to the challenges students encounter when enrolled in a Human Physiology course. Incorporating digital and print content, this program supports students’ understanding of core physiological concepts while building the critical thinking skills that will prepare them for success in their future careers. Critical thinking exercises help students apply their knowledge of physiology by asking them to address real-life situations and guiding them through the logical progression of thought processes needed to answer them.
The next generation of WileyPLUS for Human Physiology gives instructors the freedom and flexibility to tailor content and easily manage their course to keep students engaged and on track.
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3-D Animations
“3-D Physiology” is a state-of-the-art animation series on the most difficult physiological concepts for instructors to teach and students to learn.
Critical Thinking Exercises
Presented with realistic scenarios, students can apply their knowledge and sharpen their critical thinking skills. These critical thinking exercises guide them through the logical processes needed to come to a solution.
Adaptive Practice
Every student has a different starting point, and adaptive practice provides endless opportunities for practice to effectively prepare students for class or quizzes and exams. Students begin with a quick, section-level diagnostic to determine their initial level of understanding, and they can use the dashboard and quick reports to see what topics they know and don’t know.
Research to Reality
This feature encourages students to make connections to real-world applications. Full primary research articles are available to students through WileyPLUS.
PowerPhys 3.0
This feature consists of physiological simulation software authored by teaching lab faculty. Activities focus on core physiological concepts and reinforce techniques experienced in the lab.
Bryan Derrickson is professor of biology at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, where he teaches human anatomy and physiology as well as general biology and human sexuality. He received his bachelor’s degree in biology from Morehouse College and his Ph.D. in cell biology from Duke University. Derrickson’s study at Duke was in the physiology division within the Department of Cell Biology, so while his degree is in cell biology, his training focused on physiology. At Valencia, he frequently serves on faculty hiring committees. He has served as a member of the Faculty Senate, which is the governing body of the college, and as a member of the Faculty Academy Committee (now called the Teaching and Learning Academy), which sets the standards for the acquisition of tenure by faculty members. He is also a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT).
1. An Introduction to Physiology
2. Chemical Composition of the Body
3. Cells
4. Metabolism
5. Transport Across the Plasma Membrane
6. Cell Signaling
7. The Nervous System and Neuronal Excitability
8. The Central Nervous System
9. Sensory Systems
10. Autonomic and Somatic Nervous Systems
11. Muscle
12. Control of Body Movement
13. The Endocrine System
14. The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
15. The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics
16. The Cardiovascular System: The Blood
17. The Immune System
18. The Respiratory System
19. The Urinary System
20. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostasis
21. The Digestive System
22. Metabolic Adaptations, Energy Balance, and Temperature Regulation
23. The Reproductive Systems